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Maddie Mae's Korner
Maddie Mae's Tripawd Journey
Maddie Mae's Korner

Beach day :-)

April 11th 2011 in Uncategorized

Well once again I got to go to the beach with Mama, Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Mike.

Come on Mama, I’ll drive if ya want me to!

Ok, so FINALLY we have arrived! yippeeeeeee……..

Mama said “say cheese for the camera”……I think it’s pretty cheesy!

Oh yeah, and there’s no getting away with out Monkeybutt Peanut and her little man Buster Rhymes!

However, I found that Peanut’s cryptonite is apparently SAND! So I was able to put her in lock down to keep her from annoying me all day!

Monkeybutt's doing a little jail time! they look good wearing bars 🙂

If left to their own devices, it would be monkeybutt mayhem as they ran amok down the beach chasing birds and crabs and anything else that moves!. Some dog’s just don’t know how to behave themselves! But I know where the treats come from, and I don’t want to stray to0 far. They could disappear if I didn’t keep a close eye on them…..

Cheese PLEASE!!!!!!


Peanut begged and begged for release. She even attempted to melt the bars with her toxic slobber! But all of her powers seem to have left her for the day.

Peanut begs for release.....

I really like to lay in the back of the truck, it keeps the sand out of my crack! Sand can get in places I didn’t even know I had!!!!

Did someone say Seaweed Salad!?!????

Peanut  was completely baffled when her nose got stuck to the sand and her butt started levitating!


I laughed and laughed. I found it all very amusing!!!!!

I had to go say hello to the dog down the beach, but Mama doesn’t have a picture of that cuz she was too busy running after me hollering Maddie, Maddie, Maddie…..I think she must have been cheering me on!!! She was so excited to see me running so fast!!!!!

Mama spotted a real weird looking thing on the beach. It was also rather stanky. You know, the good kinda stank. The kind I like to wear……………..:)

anyone for some gator tail???? I prefer mine fried, but I could make an exception!!!!

Mama said it was a good thing I didn’t find it first, cuz she was pretty sure I’d have to ride in the back on the way home if I had!  Essence of Alligator is apparently not her favorite smell.

But just look at the bones!!!! Treats for days and days>>>>>>>:P


Now it’s time to reflect on the good life I now have.

Yep, it’s getting better with everyday, thank you LORD!

Take it easy my Tripawd friends, and may the force be with you!!!!


Maddie Mae


15 comments to...
“Beach day :-)”


Oh, Maddie, there’s nothing like a day at the beach. My momma laughed and laughed at your pictures. We wish it was warm enough to go to our beach, but spring has been really wet and cold here in the Northwest. We can’t wait for summer, and trips to the beach, and SWIMMING!!!



    I’m always happy to be the source of laughter!
    Well, let’s just hope your weather warms up soon! Beach day’s are GREAT!!!!


Awwww….love these happy tails days!


    Thanks so much. I am VERY happy with her recovery and the fact that she and I have each other.
    She’s an awesome girl!


I wanna go to the beach! What FUN!!! (Um, what beach are you going to that has a dead gator on it cause momma said she wont take me there- eeww)


    There is more than one toothy kinda critter to worry about on the beaches down south!

    Maddie said she’s not scurred a nuthin’!
    Maddie.. “Whatever it is, I’ll eat, if it doesn’t eat me first!”


aunt debbie wants to get to know u…time for our camping trip. i’ll get with your mom on some dates. u r looking good girl !!!! oh yea…mom too..


    Throw some dates out, let’s do it!


Wow Maddie…we are jealous!


Beautiful photos! Looks like a fun time was had by all. 🙂


Maddie- you are living the life!!! Beach, stinky dead stuff, and penned up monkeys!
And to top it off your own cheering section! Your mom yelling go Maddie, go Maddie, go Maddie….

or was it no Maddie??

Karen and the pugapalooza


wow, what a great time – we wanna go to the beach too!!! too much fun, thanks for sharing all the great pictures, it was like being there, except no sand in the cracks….

gayle & charon


Maddie looks terrific! Looks like a great day at the beach.


    Thanks. She is a real trooper for sure! She doesn’t act like she has anything missing at all. She’s just full of life.

Maddie Mae

It WAS…. Go Maddie Go Maddie Go Maddie Go!!!! I heard her perfectly clear. She was cheering me on! What a great Mom 🙂

Oh and Mama banished sandy cracks as soon as we got home. A properly aimed water hose dose the trick. Mama really likes it when I SHAKE SHAKE SHAkE my Booty while she sprays me with the hose. It saves her the trouble of having to shower…….see how thoughtful I am.


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April 2011